[Gllug] Donations at meetings

Dean dean.wilson3 at virgin.net
Tue Sep 14 12:12:27 UTC 2004

The list has been quite quiet recently so lets open a can of worms :)

Some of the speakers that have been approached to come to GLLUG have
asked about reasonable travel expenses such as train fare, not a first
class chauffeur driven gold plated tank.

What are peoples views about a donation tin being being present at
meetings (assuming we ever have another meeting ;))? I think GLLUG
should be kept free to encourage new blood but what's the view on a
request for a couple of quid from any one that enjoyed the talks?[0]

To keep this all open I'd suggest a couple of people count the money
taken on the day and we put the sum either on the site or post to this
list. Whenever any one from the admin team spends the money to buy a
ticket a note is made on a page on the site. That way if you're
interested you can see it but if you're not you don't get mails.

As GLLUG already has a team of trusted admins approval to spend the
money should be handled by them, they have to arrange for the speakers
to show up anyway.


[0] I know this used to be done back in the days of GND but i have no
idea what the donations were.
Dean Wilson             http://www.unixdaemon.net
Profanity is the one language all programmers understand
  --- Anon
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