[Gllug] New to lm-sensors - am I right in thinking all is OK.

Andrew Halliwell ah at gnd.com
Mon Apr 18 09:18:07 UTC 2005

And verily, didst John Winters announce to the hordes:
> --=-53EMg9Ms4j/fQtZUYZsv
> Content-Type: text/plain
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> I just installed and configured lm-sensors on my new AMD64 box, then had
> a mild panic at the output - see attached (for some weird reason,
> Evolution won't let me insert in the body of this message).
> I've read the lm-sensors FAQ, and I *think* all the ALARMs are covered.
> Core 2 probably doesn't mean anything.  The reading for 3.3v just seems
> to be plain wrong (the BIOS utilities says it's 3.3v).  A multiplier
> configuration error?  -12v and -5v probably don't exist at all.  Finally
> the 3rd fan is meant to be turning that slowly - it's a large slow fan.
> Now I've calmed myself down, am I right not to be worried?

I'd think so... sensors does the best it can, but some motherboards need
tweaks to their sensors.conf file...
I've seen a lot of wild and wacky numbers in sensors.

Is the AMD64 board a tyan, cos if so, you can get a dedicated sensors.conf
from their website for most of their motherboards.
Other manufacturers may do the same.
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