[Gllug] Sun Sparcstation - disconnecting serial console causes BREAK

Tethys sta296 at astradyne.co.uk
Wed Aug 17 11:28:41 UTC 2005

Nix writes:

>It looks like they did: part of the point of the Netra was that you
>could stack huge piles of them in a dark satanic datacentre and remotely
>administer the lot: I had a look a minute ago, and connecting the serial
>console cable to a switchbox is the expected usage scenario in the user

Indeed. We did exactly that with the Netra T1s and later with V120s
and V210s. The ability to remotely power cycle a box through a serial
console is a wonderful thing. However, you're still stuck with the
problem that power cycling a Cisco access server that manages all your
serial consoles sends a break to every device that's attached to it.
No, I wasn't amused when I found that out.

We solved it by replacing the broken Ciscos[1] with Cyclades ACS boxen


[1] Yes, I know the word "broken" is redundant in that sentence.
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