[Gllug] css question

Henry Gilbert henry.gilbert at gmail.com
Tue Dec 6 01:00:39 UTC 2005

On 12/5/05, Robert Crowther <robertc at boogdesign.com> wrote:
> Also edited the style.css to have this rule:
> div.answer {
>         margin-bottom: 3em;
> }
> And I changed the second a:link to a:visited, because I assume there's
> not meant to be two identical a:link definitions in the file?
> Rob
> --
> Gllug mailing list  -  Gllug at gllug.org.uk
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Apologies for being pedantic (I was brainwashed by this!).
But better than using <div> - I would use real semantic tags like <p>,
<ul>, <li>,<dl>,<dt> .. <h1> for first title, etc ...

<div> and <span> are semantically-neutral tags, ie they don't express
meaning about the enclosed text; whether it is a quotation, a simple
paragraph, a title, a list of elements, a list of terms, etc. They
don't add much "voice". They are OK for presentational hacks and
effects on top of the correct use of <p>'s <h1>'s .. etc

Hence if going for table-less layout + CSS, maybe the next step is to
employ semantic-tags. The question might be "why?"
The answer could be .. that it just adds an extra element of
accessibility and compliance (using tags as they were meant to). Also
there are talks that semantic HTML "apparently" improves search engine
results. Very debatable I am sure.

In short I personally would use <p>'s  or even better the <ol><li> set
- since they are numbered items after all - instead of <div>. And then
use the stylesheet on top of that.

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