[Gllug] Linux box keeps rebooting

Mike Brodbelt mike at coruscant.demon.co.uk
Thu Dec 8 22:38:54 UTC 2005

On Thu, 2005-12-08 at 22:21 +0000, Jack Bertram wrote:
> * Martin A. Brooks <martin at hinterlands.org> [051208 21:21]:
> > Jack Bertram wrote:
> > >Well, the reason I moved away from Debian was that it didn't update
> > >often enough - for a server, it's fine but for a desktop where I want to
> > >play with cool stuff as well as the basics, it's a real pain.
> > 
> > 
> > If you want to play with toys you can.  That's why debian has testing, 
> > unstable and, Bob help you, experimental.
> > 
> > You can have as much bleeding edge gore as you want.
> In my experience, debian's stable is rock-solid and great for servers,
> testing is ok but not up-to-date, and unstable just doesn't work well
> enough.

I agree with you about testing and stable, but I've been running my
desktop on Unstable for several years now, and in my experience, it's
been better than any version of RedHat I ever ran (which is most of them
from 3.03 to 7, after I moved off Slackware). With RedHat, you got a
snapshot of the state of many things, and you only got a major upgrade
when the next version came out, and the advice was always to do a clean
install, as the upgrade process wasn't reliable.

> I don't want my desktop to break all the time, I just want to be able to
> try new apps when I can.

That was pretty much why I switched to Debian. On the (rare) occasions
when something breaks after an upgrade, backing out the affected package
by picking up the old one from /var/cache/apt/archives, then sticking it
on hold for a while is all I've ever had to do.


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