[Gllug] Forcing CPU and Mem limits on a process

John Edwards John.Edwards at cornerstonelinux.co.uk
Fri Feb 11 14:18:07 UTC 2005

On Fri, Feb 11, 2005 at 01:50:26PM -0000, David Abbishaw wrote:
> Can anyone recommend how I can run a process and define that it can only
> use say 25% of the cpu and an amount of memory???  I thought nice would do
> the CPU but it doesnt look great.

Limiting memory is straight forward - look at the "ulimit" command 
in the bash manpage.

I don't think the Linux task scheduler can limit CPU usage to a 
percentage. "Nice" changes the priority of a program and allows 
other processes to run instead, and "ulimit" can restrict the 
total amount of CPU time.

|       John Edwards    Email: John.Edwards at uk.com        |
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