[Gllug] spam harvesting

Chris Bell chrisbell at overview.demon.co.uk
Thu Feb 24 00:26:51 UTC 2005

On Wed 23 Feb, Craig Millar wrote:
> Fiddling with spamassassin and qmail (no anti djb zealots please! ;) ) 
> on a testing server and i was wondering, what is the quickest and 
> easiest way to harvest spam for a predefined alias I have set up? I 
> figured completing a few "opt-out" forms from genuine spammers and my 
> inbox would be flooded, but upsettingly I am being completely blanked by 
> these fiends of the interweb. Sure I could spend my time posting to 
> usenet and the likes but surely there is an easier way to attract 
> attention to myself?
> Also, I've also looked at spamarchive.org for learning fodder but that 
> got me wondering - what is there to stop spammers uploading to such a 
> portal to multiply false positives and send sysadmins back to square 1?
> thx/rgds
> Craig

   All spam received here is reported to the sender's ISP and saved complete
to a junk file for future reference. My system would not even understand the
M$ commands, let alone be able to run them, so I can simply load anything
that arrives into an editor for detailed examination.

Chris Bell

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