[Gllug] Sluggishness and confusion

Jack Bertram jack at jbertram.net
Mon Feb 7 13:14:14 UTC 2005

* Nick Richards <nick.richards at gmail.com> [050207 12:35]:
> > Again - same experience - gnome 2.6 on fedora and also on slackware
> > are perfectly useable on even my prehistoric equipement...
> > 
> > I wonder what's wrong with the Debianish setup...
> the only variable i know of that is different (apart from the kernel
> but with 2.6 that's not a huge divergence) is prelinking. i have to
> assume that it makes a big difference with gnome because my athlon64
> 3000+, 1 gig ram etc. is absolutely flying with fc3 and gnome 2.8.

I'm jealous.

But googling suggests that prelinking doesn't provide that much of a
performance improvement.

Perhaps I should install FC3 on a new partition and try it...

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