[Gllug] Forcing CPU and Mem limits on a process

Nix nix at esperi.org.uk
Wed Feb 16 00:57:51 UTC 2005

On Sun, 13 Feb 2005, John Hearns prattled cheerily:
> The '25% of CPU' is an intriguing one.
> I don't think it is possible looking at it with Gridengine eyes -
> after all a scheduler is supposed to keep your cluster humming along
> at maximum utilisation!

It still does: it's just that if more than one entity is contending for
the CPU, and others can potentially take CPU time without exceeding
their usage percentage, and you *are* exceeding your usage percentage,
your usage drops until it's at no more than that percentage again.

(This isn't very useful unless you want to *ensure* that it gets at
least that much CPU time: otherwise, relative priorities like Unix
already has do the job perfectly well.)

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