[Gllug] GLLUG meetings

John Hearns john.hearns at streamline-computing.com
Wed Feb 16 16:40:43 UTC 2005

On Wed, 2005-02-16 at 15:48 +0000, Bruce Richardson wrote:
> ----- Forwarded message from Dean Wilson <dwilson at unixdaemon.net> -----

> Whether you used to go to GLLUG and no longer attend or you've never
> gone I'd like to know why. I'm hoping this mail will kick off an on-list
> discussion 

Given my last performance (or lack of it) I have a bit of a cheek...
but here goes.

GLLUG itself has changed. In the beginning we all wanted to go off and
spend a day down in Docklands, have a pub lunch, look at new things
which people brought along, and hear impromptu talks, with lots of
audience participation.

GLLUG now, very much IMHO, is a self-help group. Discussion take place
on how to set up IP tables, how to spam filter, etc. 
Few 'gee whizz a new kernel/distro  is out' type postings.
Also look at the range of people we have on list - people from banks,
Redhat, CA, Sony...  I guess most live in the South East, but I wonder
how many live close enough to London to make the journey to a meeting?

OK - no use making points without making some suggestions.
Rev. Rumble makes a good point about evening meetings.
We should be ready to make bookings for an evening meeting at short
GLLUG is not only 'the organisers'. If anyone hears of someone coming to
town, or to visit their Big Company(TM) for a seminar, please put out
the news. We can get together at evening seminar. And You Lot (TM) have
to be prepared to reciprocate by turning up.
(Say I get from a compiler company to come talk about the
technicalities of their compiler, or their latest Infiniband adapter.
I would like a decent turnout!)

As for the Saturday meetings, maybe we have to be ready to embrace
people being more up front about promoting their day jobs, or products.
We also have lab space at Westminster.
If we are to recapture the spirit of the old GLLUG we need to encourage
people to bring hardware along.

Me, if I could get my hands on one I'd like to bring along a new
small form factor dual-EMT64 server which we are evaluating.
I feel a bit uneasy about promoting something which my company will
sell. But as I say above maybe we have to encourage this.

That's my 2p worth.

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