[Gllug] Re: Bulletin board/Forums software

Richard Ibbotson richard at sheflug.co.uk
Tue Jan 18 18:05:17 UTC 2005


"Martin A. Brooks" <martin at hinterlands.org>
> This, however, doesn't show the _appalling_ security record phpbb
> has (often PHP's fault, I know).

Doug Winter <doug at pigeonhold.com>
>I'd not let it anywhere near one of my servers.  It's a brilliant 
>example of why php should never be used for anything :)

I really couldn't care less either way :)  Someone asked about Forum 
software and Debians apt-cache showed this.  No mention of 


"A Note on Security in PHP
[31-Dec-2004] The PHP Development Team has issued an important 
statement that deals with the security of PHP, and of PHP-based 
applications. The trigger for releasing this statement was the 
growing misconception in the PHP community regarding recent security 
problems, which exploited bugs in PHP applications, rather than bugs 
in PHP itself. It's a recommended read for anybody using PHP. "

I suppose that they know what they are doing :)  I don't use it.


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