[Gllug] Name server software?

Rev Simon Rumble simon at rumble.net
Wed Jan 5 10:46:11 UTC 2005

This one time, at band camp, Mike Brodbelt wrote:

> > I ask because after a short time struggling with Sendmail, I now find 
> > Postfix to be vastly VASTLY superior.
> <troll>
> Do tell how. I'd be curious....
> </troll>

Simple things are easy.  Complicated things are relatively 
straightforward.  Config file syntax isn't _INSANE_.

Though it sounds like they've finally fixed the config file, from other 
posts in this thread.  Too little, too late.

Rev Simon Rumble <simon at rumble.net>

The Tourist Engineer
Because geeks travel too.

 "History teaches us that men and nations behave wisely once
  they have exhausted all other alternatives."
- Abba Eban
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