[Gllug] OT: Dedicated Server Supplier

Doug Winter doug at isotoma.com
Tue Jan 18 17:31:53 UTC 2005

Benedikt Heinen wrote:
> One question - why is it that hosting in the UK seems so bloody 
> expensive? If there were a significant price in, say, DSL connectivity 
> between the UK and other countries - THAT I could understand (simply 
> because you don't have the option of going somewhere else).

That is a really good question, and I wish I knew the answer.  I imagine 
the general extra cost of doing business in the UK (transport to/from an 
island, high value of land that sort of thing) contributes, but I can't 
see why it's so different.

> But with hosting - what's the difference to you, if your server is 
> hosted in the UK or somewhere in a brush in deepest Africa, as long as 
> the provider offers the services you want, and as long as they have a 
> decent connectivity.

It's a good idea - unfortunately my language skills are woefully 
inadequate, and I'd need to be hosting somewhere where I could guarantee 
someone fluent in English on the other end of the phone.

Transit and latency for the users could be an issue, but the site for 
which I am doing this has users all over the world, so location isn't 
that critical.


doug at isotoma.com  /  Isotoma, Open Source Software Consulting
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