[Gllug] OT: microdirect.co.uk reliable?

Wiehe, Simon simon.wiehe at csfb.com
Thu Jan 13 10:18:42 UTC 2005

> With regard to Maplin/PC World - they are right next to each other at
> I often find that things like cables are much cheaper in Maplin than in PC
> World.  Generally Maplin would be my choice for external bits and pieces,
> PSU's.  However, their prices for such things at motherboards, CPU's,
> etc have always seemed excessive.

I use the Lakeside maplin for the occasional cable, mainly because it is not
worth buying anything that 'cheap' online. Everything else I buy from
www.scan.co.uk or www.novatech.co.uk. I am slowly getting out of my 'I want it
now' frame of mind and being patient enough to wait a few days for delivery.


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