[Gllug] Benchmarking

Richard Cohen vmlinuz at gmail.com
Fri Jun 24 14:43:38 UTC 2005

On 24/06/05, John Hearns <john.hearns at streamline-computing.com> wrote:
> I acknowledge Walid's comments re. HPL benchmarking the other day.
> I cam across this site today http://www.topcrunch.org
> It is an initiative to benchmark using real-world codes.
> We work with LS-DYNA (saves on clearing up the mangled bits of cars and
> cruelty to crash test dummies. Also models bras. Ahem (*) )
> Ansys and various computational chemistry codes.
> (*) No, we've never been asked run those models. Shame.

As it happens...

It's a long story...

But I currently find myself heavily involved in the IT side of an
Asian bra manufacturer.

Yes, seriously.

I shall have to do some serious research on this issue.


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