[Gllug] Flash-only laptop

Rev Simon Rumble simon at rumble.net
Tue Jun 7 12:51:36 UTC 2005

Prices for flash memory seem to be coming down every week or two.  I 
notice Scan has a 4 gig CF for 160 quid.  Insane!  So I'm thinking, how 
long until we see flash-only laptops?  Imagine the battery life!

So then I got thinking, how about retrofitting it into an existing 
laptop?  How hard could it be?

There are IDE-CF adapters.  Would they fit the laptop conectors?

What about flash wearing?  Can you use file systems like jffs for the 
root FS?  And do they have any impact through an IDE-CF interface?

This is really just a thought experiment, but curious to know if it's 

Rev Simon Rumble <simon at rumble.net>

The Tourist Engineer
Nerds need vacations too.

 "History teaches us that men and nations behave wisely once
  they have exhausted all other alternatives."
- Abba Eban
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