[Gllug] Much sought after - 2-3 week work experience.

Ian Norton bredroll at darkspace.org.uk
Sat Mar 19 21:15:22 UTC 2005

On Sat, Mar 19, 2005 at 11:14:36AM +0000, Mike Whiting wrote:
> I [first-year degree computing student] was hoping somebody might know a 
> man who can.. 

where abouts are you?

> hook me up with some 
> potential work experience for my easter break.  I have three weeks free 
> as of Monday 21st and I'd love to have the oppurtunity to spend the time 
> productively, perhaps getting the chance to see how things (like LAMP, 
> general sys admin etc) are done in the *real* world.

It might be too late for thier summer placments, but I have had friends who
have done work with ARUP, involving anything from VOIP thru NAS to data mining.

Ian Norton-Badrul

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