[Gllug] Re: [Gllugadmin] Blackberry and T-Mobile

GllugAdmin gllugadmin at gllug.org.uk
Wed Mar 2 10:27:31 UTC 2005

On behalf of: Formi <formi at sdf-eu.org>

I was asked to setup a Blackberry 7230 on a T-Mobile account.

When I contacted T-Mobile I was told about the Exchange Server, I saw no point 
getting it for one single Blackberry.

I managed quite easily to set it up to use the company's POP3 server through 
SSL. It works even if the certificate is self signed.

The RIM servers check the account and download whatever is there, within a few 
seconds the mail arrives on the Blackberry.

Usually this happens every 15 minutes, after downloading an email it checks 
the account every 3 minutes for a while.

Outgoing e-mail is sent directly from the T-Mobile servers (not the RIM ones), 
there is an option to automatically CC all outgoing mail so you can keep it.

You are also given the option to set a Reply-To, so your emails go out as 
Sender: xxx at instantemail.t-mobile.co.uk and Reply-To: your_real_address.

It seems to work quite well since I have had no complaints.

All this can be done through the Webmail interface.
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