[Gllug] Re: Outlook quoting

Ian Scott mriscott at yahoo.co.uk
Fri Mar 4 15:34:28 UTC 2005

 > > > Actually, Outlook can be configured to quote correctly, it just
> > > doesn't by default.
> > >
> > > Steve
> > 
> > Thanks Steve.
> > 
> > I googled for this, and found where they hide this option!
> You did?  Then do explain to other sufferers who have no choice of
> mail client at work.  My outlook writes in plain text by default, and
> if I reply to a text email it quotes properly, but if some cock has
> sent  an html email I have to do the following:
> 1) Convert to plain text (which doesn't convert the crap html
> indentation to a '>')
> 2) Forward it to myself
> 3) Reply to the forwarded email, thus putting in intendations
> 4) Add the recipients.
> S.

Ah well, if people send html mails, it does it's own thing.

You can't really expect a mail client to fix other people's retarded quoting

You can at least reply nicely to proper emails - e.g. from this list.

People who send you HTML emails are unlikely to mind your quoting style.  In
fact, they are more likely to ask where your reply is, as they could well
look at the top and not see it.

There is a 'read all mail in plain text' option.   It doesn't correct
quoting, but it does help.

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