[Gllug] Re: Gates to get Knighthood!!!
Jack Bertram
jack at jbertram.net
Wed Mar 2 17:51:45 UTC 2005
* Richard Jones <rich at annexia.org> [050302 17:46]:
> On Wed, Mar 02, 2005 at 04:31:09PM -0000, David Abbishaw wrote:
> > I really didn't want to get into a war over this one BUT....
> >
> > Before Bill gates came along and started offering (sorry licensing - and
> > that's very important if you know his history) Dos to IBM (and just for that
> > hat I used to work for IBM and wasn't keen on the company at all.), IBM did
> > not have anything sensible to run on their hardware. Dos -> Windows etc
> > really sold that hardware, and probably made people want to clone it. Thus
> > cheap commodity PCs became easily available.
> CP/M 86 perhaps? You could get it for the PC when the PC was first
> released.
I think CP/M 86 was a few months late, and was significantly more
expensive than DOS because Gates bent over backwards to get his first
break. But with all these things, the application (1-2-3) drove the
success originally. Microsoft's success was converting their temporary
operating system strength into a more permanent application strength -
the launch of Windows was a successful attempt to put everyone on a
level playing field with the new range of GUI apps, and then Microsoft
was able to write better GUI apps than others since they knew the technology
better. Excel and Word very quickly became better than the first
versions of 1-2-3 or WordPerfect for Windows.
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