[GLLUG] Slightly OT - Netiquette at work

Rev Simon Rumble simon at rumble.net
Fri Mar 18 16:54:40 UTC 2005

This one time, at band camp, Doug Winter wrote:

> You are generally better to sidestep issues completely if you encounter 
> this sort of thing.  Often if you just ignore what people say and just 
> keep doing whatever it is you wanted they give up moaning and let you 
> get on with it.

Amen to that!  I've found the best way to deal with people who stick 
their oar in at every possible occasion is to ignore them.  If they 
bring it up again, you can deal with it.  Otherwise let them forget 
about it, and so can you.

Rev Simon Rumble <simon at rumble.net>

The Tourist Engineer
Because geeks travel too.

"Australia's first boat people here were poms,
 So tell me: how is it you guage the place where you belong?"
- All Cultures by Curse Ov Dialect
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