[Gllug] Programmatically filling in PDF forms

Peter Childs blue.dragon at blueyonder.co.uk
Thu Mar 3 16:34:12 UTC 2005

Mamading Ceesay wrote:

>On Wed, 2 Mar 2005 04:45:08 +0000, Ian Norton <bredroll at darkspace.org.uk> wrote:
>>I found a set of utils today called 'pdfjam' they are in debian and apparently
>>do form filling (either that or im getting confised with the one called pdftk)
>Looking at http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/sci/statistics/staff/academic/firth/software/pdfjam/
>I would say that you have indeed confused it with pdftk.  Thanks for
>the pointer though.
    On the subject of Pdf/Postscript does anyone know why If there is a 
Opensource editor for Postscript and or PDF or a OpenOffice import 
    If if there is no such thing is there any reason why one should not 
be created...

Peter Childs
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