[Gllug] [OT] A Solaris question someone might be able to answer.

Wiehe, Simon simon.wiehe at csfb.com
Thu May 19 12:49:01 UTC 2005

I know this is a Linux group but I am sure one of you guys can 
answer this question for me.

I am connecting to a Solaris 2.8 box and using ksh. On one 
machine I can do file completion with Esc+\ but on another
none of the escape sequences work. In this case I am connected
using hummingbird exceed, but I don't think it is a keyboard issue
as it does work with one machine but not the other.

Is there something I need to put in my .profile to turn on file 
completion in ksh, like 'set filec' in csh ? Also would this
allow me to do both the Esc+\ and the Esc+k and get the usual
ksh response?

It is probably something that is in the global profile on one 
and not the other machine as they use the same account .profile.



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