[Gllug] Monitoring network usage

Nix nix at esperi.org.uk
Tue May 17 22:32:41 UTC 2005

On Tue, 17 May 2005, Andy McGarty whispered secretively:
>  From memory the only thing ntop does to the system is to put the
>  ethernet card into promiscuous mode?

Well, that's the only thing it does that the hardware might consider

>                                        I've never heard this mess a
>  card up, but perhaps its this that bit you.

It messes up the 3C501... but then *everything*, including sending and
receiving packets, messes up the 3C501. :)

`End users are just test loads for verifying that the system works, kind of
 like resistors in an electrical circuit.' - Kaz Kylheku in c.o.l.d.s
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