[Gllug] [ot] borked net transaction

Rev Simon Rumble simon at rumble.net
Fri May 6 15:14:09 UTC 2005

This one time, at band camp, t.clarke wrote:
> Perhaps Tet would care to enlighten us as to actually what DOES happen if
> you dispute a credit card transaction ...

I can tell you how it works from the merchant's point of view.

* Customer disputes transaction and tells bank.
* Bank issues charge-back to credit card org (Visa, Mastercard et al)
* Credit card org forwards charge-back to merchant's bank
* Merchant's bank removes money from merchants account and issues 
  charge-back to merchant
* Merchant has 30 days to prove the transaction.  If it was a phone 
  order, the merchant has no way of doing this.  The banks won't even 
  accept the signed delivery slip.  In two years of working at 
  mail-order business, we only ever successfully disputed chargebacks on 
  mail order transactions where we had a signature.

Note: This was some years ago, and in Australia, but I have no reason to 
believe it would have changed significantly.

Rev Simon Rumble <simon at rumble.net>

The Tourist Engineer
Nerds need vacations too.

"Which is more musical, a truck passing by a factory
 or a truck passing by a music school?"
- John Cage
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