[Gllug] Web design?

NorthLondon John northlondonjohn at yahoo.co.uk
Mon May 16 23:37:41 UTC 2005

On 16 May 2005, at 23:16, Chris Bell wrote:

> Hello,
>    A friend who is experienced in design, layout, photo-setting, and
> printing, as well as web design, using a combination of Acorn, Apple, 
> and M$
> PC, wants to try using Linux. He has used various packages, including
> dreamweaver and photoshop, but would appreciate suggestions about
> Linux-based packages.
>    He has seen a package called NVU, has anyone tried it?
>    Thanks for any advice.

NVu is based on Mozilla Composer, but with many more features etc. I've 
used it a fair bit, but have come to the conclusion I don't really like 
it. It's just about to reach 1.0, and I'm making allowances for having 
used it in beta, but it feels clunky and unwieldly. And there's a 
bloody irritating bug with source view that I find makes it unusable 
for me. It's available on Windows and OS X, and it's free (MPL), so he 
can easily try it out.


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