[Gllug] CD-Rom Writing,

Chris Bell chrisbell at overview.demon.co.uk
Mon May 2 23:15:08 UTC 2005

On Mon 02 May, Peter Childs wrote:
> I'm trying to write some files to a cdrom again and my cdrom writter has 
> stopped working under linux again I can't see whats wrong and i've 
> tryied everything even upgrading to 2.6.
> I'm now running 2.6.8 with debian sarge and every time I get xcdroast to 
> write it just says error which does not make sence because it used to 
> work about 2 months ago and I've changed very little since and it works 
> under windows.
> I use linux because I'm in control but somtimes things under linux are 
> so complex your in control but can't see the problem for looking,
> Now I'm not even sure wither my cdrom drive is running under ide-scsi or 
> what and the web seams to say that it should not be under 2.6 but all 
> the cdrom info seams to say it should be, confusing or what, No wonder 
> we can't get Linux run by the masses if it takes 3 hours to do anything 
> that takes 5 minutes on windows!
> Sorry about the rant but since the cdrom writting howto is soo out of 
> date where can I find the upto date instructions?
> Peter

   I recently set up Debian Sarge 2.6 for someone who thought nothing could
match up to XP, and when he wanted to burn a disc told him to use Nautilus
(There is a burner add-on available). There were both a RO DVD/CD-ROM and a
R/W DVD/CD in the box, and I think that the reader appeared as an IDE-Atapi
and the writer as an IDE-SCSI.
   No complaints so far, it just worked.

Chris Bell

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