[Gllug] Re: Web design?

J F jnns at linuxmail.org
Tue May 17 12:29:40 UTC 2005

> > Closest, but not close. GIMP is roughly equivalent to, say, Photoshop
> > v3.
> FUD. Gimp is some way behind Photoshop for pre press work, but equal to,
> or even ahead in some areas for web work, and behind in some others.

Amen. I've used the Gimp for pre-press work once, I designed a cover image for a publication in the Gimp and used ImageMagick to convert it to CMYK, but had to download some proprietary colour profiles first. The only problem I have is that it can't convert PANTONE colours to RGB, but I guess that will never happen since Pantone is patented.

I use it all the time to design animated GIF banners (especially since the LZW patent has expired), something you can't do in Photoshop.

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