[Gllug] BIOS not detecting IDE hdrives

Chris Bell chrisbell at overview.demon.co.uk
Sat May 14 16:28:06 UTC 2005

On Sat 14 May, john gennard wrote:

> Yes, Russell, I've tried all possible combinations - what I
> know is the 'good' drive is seen by the various Distros whether
> as Master or Slave, but the BIOS says 'none'. I would have
> suspected the BIOS itself, but all changes I make to it are
> activated.
> John.
   There was a M$ virus around a while ago that rendered discs unreadable.
You can either try M$ "fdisk /mbr" if you have a copy (it may be \ instead
of /), or Linux fdisk, create a single large partition, and then run the
e2fs badblocks check. I have a disc that had been used for M$ but rejected
because of the huge number of reported bad blocks, and it was declared
perfectly OK after running the badblocks test overnight.

Chris Bell

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