[Gllug] p2p programs

Henry Gilbert henry.gilbert at gmail.com
Sun Nov 13 16:26:45 UTC 2005

I just want one horror story
We all know loads from the Windows OS

When I went to buy an ethernet card on the local Computer shop
I see this older man freaking out saying he thinks his laptop has a virus
the shopkeeper said he will look into
and then stashed on top of some other 5 laptops ...
probably awaiting inspection

I just want the story one person that had his system infected
(Ok we all know there aren't any Linux viruses)
or was hacked just by visiting casually browsing the net.

Yes I know if I work at it - I can make my Desktop system easily hackable.
Although Running X and surfing the net as root - is not one of them.

The security nightmare experienced by normal Windows users has no
comparison in Linux.

The computer I am typing this from - was crippled with viruses
including at the MBR.

And you can't find me one security-horror-story  from a Linux Desktop user
(again not servers, even phpBulletin was exploited)
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