[Gllug] wireless broadband routers .... insufficient range

Kurt Goodliff kurt at lokdar.co.uk
Tue Nov 15 20:58:53 UTC 2005

Andy Farnsworth wrote:

> Alain Williams wrote:
>> Hi,
>> my sister has a broadband wireless router; unfortunately she is not 
>> able to receive
>> any signal from where she wants (inside a large victorian house). I 
>> have told her to
>> lay in UTP -- which doesn't impress her.
>> Do different types of router generate different 'strength' signals ? 
>> Ie might a different
>> model help - if so how would you identify it ? I suspect that the 
>> answer is 'no' since the
>> wifi card plugged into the laptop would also need to be more powerful.
>> Any other suggestions ?
>> TIA
> Yes, diffent models have different signal characteristics.  The best 
> advice I can offer though is to run a single UTP line from the base 
> router to a Wireless Access Point installed in such a way as to cover 
> the rest of the house.  Few houses I know of will require more than 
> two Wireless access points to cover it.  If it does, their rich and 
> need to hire a full time network admin to handle these things for them :)
> Andy

Hi Andy

We installed a Netgear RangeMax AP a couple of months ago which worked 
quite well. I believe it's got something like 7 internal antennas.
We found that this improved the range quite a bit, an added bonus is 
that it has very cool lights, could make quite a nice conversation 
piece, if your that way inclined ;P


The cheaper option is to get a larger antenna for your current AP that 
way if it doesn't resolve the problem you haven't lost to much cash.

Good Luck


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