[Gllug] Web Site Creation

Dave Cross dave at dave.org.uk
Thu Nov 3 11:03:33 UTC 2005

Henry Gilbert wrote:

> Hi Richard
> Is Perl Template::Toolkit easier to use?

Personally I find TT easier to use, but I'm slightly biased (for reasons 
you'll see a little later).

> What do I need to make it work locally on my machine?

Well, you need Perl installed. But pretty much any Linux box will have 
that already. And you'll need to install TT itself. Many Linux 
distributions will have TT available in native packages (in Fedora, for 
example, it's called perl-Template-Toolkit and is available from the 
Extras RPM repository).

As others have said, there's a book on the subject (and this is where my 
bias comes in - as I was a co-author)


If you're just building static sites, then the example chapter from the 
book that you can get from that page will give you a good introduction 
to what you can do with TT.

If you want to build dynamic pages then the best option is probably to 
use mod_perl and Apache::Template.

There's more detail on the TT web site (http://tt2.org/) and the mailing 
list (details on the web site) is very friendly. I'd also be happy to 
help out in any way I can.


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