[Gllug] Web Site Creation

Rich Walker rw at shadow.org.uk
Sat Nov 5 17:31:50 UTC 2005

Nix <nix at esperi.org.uk> writes:

> On Fri, 04 Nov 2005, Rich Walker said:
>> Nix <nix at esperi.org.uk> writes:
>>> The City of London is the real world, right? 
> Well, it's as far from the ivory towers of CS academe that I can easily
> imagine. Alas.

Nah, mate, you want to be doing *proper* engineering. Oily rags, big
motors, embedded 8-bit micros, ... 

>> Reminds me of an old friend who used to say, in all seriousness,
>>   What the world really needs is a high-quality object-oriented
>>   relational database.
> Like, er, PostgreSQL ;) but no, it's not the most important thing on
> Earth.
>> I'd tend to reply "Clean water?"
> The need for advanced programming languages in the Congo is... not
> great. Less rampaging bands of murderers, more roads, and saner
> governments are all more important than *any* programming language...

Well, except possibly Python. :->

Then again, I'm not in a position of much strength in this argument,
since we build robots...

cheers, Rich.
rich walker         |  Shadow Robot Company | rw at shadow.org.uk
technical director     251 Liverpool Road   |
need a Hand?           London  N1 1LX       | +UK 20 7700 2487
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