[Gllug] canon mp360

Richard Cohen vmlinuz at gmail.com
Thu Nov 3 10:30:40 UTC 2005

On 03/11/05, Martin A. Brooks <martin at hinterlands.org> wrote:
> Stig Brautaset wrote:
> > Noble but expensive advice that, isn't it?
> Not really. Black & white laser are really cheap these days, and you can
> pick up a colour laser for sub £300.
> An inkjet catches up with the cost of a laser pretty quickly once you've
> done a few cartridge refills, and those lovely endless ink-wasting
> cleaning cycles you have to put an inkjet through.

Sub £300 is not cheap compared with sub £100 for a half-decent colour
inkjet with a USB cable which will be just fine at printing from Dad's
Dell PC.

Unfortunately, we always have to remember that good enough has a nasty
tendency to win over great - it's all very well and good saying that
lasers are better than inkjets, cheaper to run and so on, but when the
cheap crap at PC World doesn't work *at all* with Linux, or where you
have to buy a commercial printer driver separately...

Ah well, you know where this is going... :-/

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