[Gllug] p2p programs

Shakthi Kannan cyborg4k at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 14 08:39:40 UTC 2005


The discussion is little away from the subject line. 

Anyways, my thoughts below:

--- Simon Morris <mozrat at gmail.com> wrote:
> A fully
> patched Windows
> machine with anti-virus and a firewall is secure
> enough.

ROFL. How can you tell without even looking at the
source code? Abracadabra?

A majority of windoze users believe that their system
is secure because they feel they have blocked ports or
have anti-virus or some firewall settings enabled. You
cannot tell without looking at the source code of all
of them. The problem still persists with ports that
are open.

When an application, having a buffer overflow problem,
for example, makes a request to the outside world
through an unblocked port, there is serious problem.
Firewall or anti-virus don't come in the picture here.



Shakthi Kannan, MS
Software Engineer, Specsoft (Hexaware Technologies)
[E]: cyborg4k at yahoo.com              [M]: (91) 98407-87007
[W]: http://www.shakthimaan.com      [L]: Chennai, India

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