[Gllug] Music Server

Simon Morris mozrat at gmail.com
Mon Nov 7 22:27:01 UTC 2005

On 07/11/05, ANDREW MCCALL <andymccall at btopenworld.com> wrote:

> > > Oooopps  forgot to say the net work has a mix of Bill's best/worst
> > > running on it (i.e. Win98SE and XP Home!)
> >
> > So which one is which? :P
> The computers attached to the router run a mix of either 98SE or XP home.
> However for low system overheads and Licencing issues I would rather use a
> Linux distro for the music server.
> Sorry for the confusion

Don't worry I was attempting to be humorous which doesn't often work
on a mailing list.

My point was "Which of Windows 98SE and XP Home is the Best/Worst of
Bills offerings"?

I know a few people who stick with Windows 98 on ancient hardware as
they claim Windows XP on new PC's they have seen doesn't run any

To be fair I can see their point sometimes, there isn't a lot in it if
you don't push your hardware very hard.

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