[Gllug] Nethack - was Removing the Debian Menu in Gnome

Ian Northeast ian at house-from-hell.demon.co.uk
Thu Nov 17 20:27:20 UTC 2005

David Damerell wrote:
> On Wednesday, 16 Nov 2005, Ian Northeast wrote:
>>David Damerell wrote:
>>>Anyone else playing in the annual NetHack Tournament?
>>Never heard of it in all my years of playing NetHack. Could you give me 
>>a pointer?
> http://nethack.devnull.net/
>>With 2 ascensions in about 10 years' playing, would I be outclassed? 
>>ISTR you have some ridiculous number.
> 21, now, but I am massively outclassed by some of the best people out there.

Think I'll give it a miss then. Do these people make a career of it? I 
thought I played too much:) No-one else I know has even managed 1 ascension.

Regards, Ian

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