[Gllug] Sony Protected CD's apparently installing rootkits...

Chris Hunter chrisehunter at blueyonder.co.uk
Thu Nov 3 06:01:20 UTC 2005

Nix wrote:
> On Tue, 1 Nov 2005, Simon Rumble spake:
>>On 1/11/2005, "Junior Williamson" <junior at acetechno.freeserve.co.uk>
>>>It seems the DRM system used by Sony on it's CD in this case (apparently
>>>written by a company called First 4 Internet) automatically installs a nasty
>>>rootkit which is very difficult to remove.
> The interesting thing is that this software (also used by BMG,
> apparently), is written and sold by a UK company, First 4 Internet, Ltd.
> Given that the software *blatantly* violates the Computer Misuse Act,
> might the CPS not be interested, or at the very least the Trading
> Standards people?

Apparently, this rootkit installation /doesn't/ contravene the Computer 
Misuse Act. The act of removing the shrink-wrap from the Sony product 
implies that you have agreed to their "Terms and Conditions" (printed 
/inside/ the product wrapping).  Trading Standards are simply not 
interested, as they don't understand the problem.

It's pretty much the same with the current Microsoft EULA - it gives 
them "rights" to remotely install anything they like on a "licencees" 
machine, and you can't read the EULA before installing the product.  You 
also agree to the EULA (without being able to read it) when you open the 


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