[Gllug] converting image files

Daniel P. Berrange dan at berrange.com
Fri Oct 7 15:36:46 UTC 2005

On Fri, Oct 07, 2005 at 11:28:43AM -0400, Andrew Farnsworth wrote:
> An earlier post that listed this command:
> > for i in *.jpg; do convert -page A4 $i $i.ps; done
> prodded my memory for something I have been trying to do for 
> a while now.  How do I convert a Non-Compressed TIFF file to 
> an LZW Compressed TIFF file from the command line?  I have 
> about 500 images that I would like to leave in the lossless 
> TIFF format but have them take up less space.  I have tried 
> looking in the ImageMagick docs but it doesn't seem to support 
> this directly, you have to go to another format first.  I am 
> sure I have just missed it somehow.  If you know the answer, 
> please help me.

Are you sure IM doesn't do it ?  Certainly looks possible from the
command line options available:

# convert -help | grep compress
  -compress type       image compression type
  -quality value       JPEG/MIFF/PNG compression level

So how about:

# convert -compress LZW  source.tif dest.tif

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