[Gllug] initrd images & building 2.6.x kernels

Sarah Ewen sarah at thaum.net
Sun Sep 11 15:48:22 UTC 2005

> I'm not experienced with Ubuntu but understand it to be a Debian-derived
> distribution.  Does it not have make-kpkg?  Using that would make your
> life a lot simpler.

Yes, I gave it a go precisely for that reason. kernel-package wasn't
installed, but I've just thrown it on and I'll take a look.

> P.S.  I presume you were making a face at a different John?

Yup, John Hearns, on behalf of all Ubuntu 'weenies'! :)

I appreciate Martin's point, and if I can get away without an initrd img
then great, but occasionally they serve a purpose, and if I can build
one that works for me, I'll go with it.

Using make-kpkg is a fair point, I was hoping I'd learn a bit out of
trying to do it myself. Ahh well.

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