[Gllug] Giving mutt a try

ccooke ccooke-gllug at gkhs.net
Wed Sep 21 11:19:38 UTC 2005

On Wed, Sep 21, 2005 at 11:50:50AM +0100, Anthony Newman wrote:


> The last thing I'd want to do is start a silly MTA flame-war, but I'm 
> confused why anyone would choose to use the horror that is Postfix in a 
> new installation. I could understand it if you knew nothing else and had 
> used nothing else for decades, but Exim can replace $mta+procmail and 
> it's newer (irrelevant, I know) and much more functional, and might be 
> more recommended to start out with these days. ditto Sendmail.

Well... Okay, I find exim the best MTA myself, but postfix is pretty
competant. For simpler setups, it's probably better (I understand it
needs less configuration for a generic internet mailing site. Of course,
Exim needs very little for that and the documentation is better, but
less is less).

> I probably don't have enough info to make this sort of judgement though, 
> I just like banging the Exim drum :-)

Oh, definitely agreed. It's really one of the most impressive bits of
server-software I know, if not the most.

echo -ne "\033#8";X=`tput cols`;Y=`tput lines`;((a=$X/2));((b=$Y/2));d=1;while \
case $d in 0)((a=a<2?X:a-1));;1)((b=b<2?Y:b-1));;2)((a=a==X?1:a+1));;3)((b=b==Y\
?1:b+1));; esac;do ((c=b+a*X));v=${k[c]:- };[ $v. = @. ]&&{((d=d>2?0:d+1));k[c]\
="";}||{(( d=d<1?3:d-1));k[c]=@;};echo -ne "\033[$b;${a}H$v";done #Charles Cooke
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