[Gllug] Subversion verifymsg equivalent

Martin A. Brooks martin at hinterlands.org
Mon Sep 26 13:31:54 UTC 2005

Ian Scott wrote:
> In particular, is there an equivalent of verifymsg, so I can enforce that users
> have a valid bug ID to check in against?  I cannot find this in the docs or 
> google - but I am probably looking in the wrong places!

I don't claim to be a subversion expert but...

Subversion has something called "hooks" which allow arbitrary 
server-side actions to be performed.  The one you're most likely to be 
interested in for this is the pre-commit hook.

A hook can do anything, and can be written in any language.  The hook 
itself is nothing more than a shell script which exits with a success or 
failure code.

Some example hook templates, by default, are created in your svn repo's 
root in a directory called "hooks".


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