[Gllug] [OT] mp3 transmission system

Nix nix at esperi.org.uk
Mon Apr 10 15:45:47 UTC 2006

On Mon, 10 Apr 2006, Steve Nelson spake:
> So now I'm looking for an mp3 player - unsure what things to be
> looking for, but I guess easy to work in linux is a big must.  I
> assume they just present themselves as usb external storgae devices,
> and you move the files across?

The good ones do.

I'd look for one that <http://www.rockbox.org/> works on or is being
ported to: those are pretty much guaranteed to support USB mass storage
or something similar (plus rockbox, well, rocks).

`On a scale of 1-10, X's "brokenness rating" is 1.1, but that's only
 because bringing Windows into the picture rescaled "brokenness" by
 a factor of 10.' --- Peter da Silva
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