[Gllug] Swap Restrictions

Grzegorz Jaskiewicz gj at pointblue.com.pl
Wed Apr 12 09:37:46 UTC 2006

On 2006-04-12, at 11:22, Chris Bell wrote:

> On Wed 12 Apr, Grzegorz Jaskiewicz wrote:
>> You should use spare disc exclusively for swap than, remember that in
>> 2.6 you can create file swaps, they are (should?) be as fast as
>> partition swaps. And so much easier to handle.
>    I understood that if the same (large) amount of swap space is  
> distributed
> more equally between several discs it allows the kernel to make more
> intelligent use of the space, with less time wasted on address seeks.

in theory - yes.
But the computer apart from swapping has loads of other i/o related  
traffic created by applications. Hence suggestion to separate just  
swap partition, to allow the primarily used software to get more of I/O.


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