[Gllug] Reading man pages via web browser

Jasper Wallace jasper at pointless.net
Sat Aug 5 12:35:36 UTC 2006

On Sat, 5 Aug 2006, andrew-li at black1.org.uk wrote:

> I would like to read man pages via a browser from a number of machines
> (Linux and Solaris).  On my debian machine I have man2html package
> installed.  It works reasonably well.
> Trying to find if there is a corresponding item for Solaris has lead me
> to confusion. It seems that there are at least 2 programs with the
> obvious name of man2html....
> So, stepping back to the overall question - what would people suggest
> for reading man pages.

docs.sun.com has all the docs Sun has ever made.

Solaris 10 man pages:


There is some kind of mini webserver thing that can be run on a solaris box
which will server html version of the man pages - it's been a while since i
used Solaris tho so i can't remember what it's called.

[http://pointless.net/]                                   [0x2ECA0975]
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