[Gllug] [Somewhat OT]: controlling "3" phones from a PC

Adrian McMenamin adrian at newgolddream.dyndns.info
Wed Aug 23 19:08:23 UTC 2006

There isn't much data on the their website, but does anyone have
experience of this - eg can you just plug a usb cable into one and take
control of it? Or can you do that via bluetooth (I can see no way of
controlling my current phone like this using bluetooth.

This is all another video/MMS related question - I want to automate
sending out video messages but don't want to spend a lot of money and 3
phones are offering some decent deals (presumably because they are
desperate for customers).

When even bulk MMS senders are charging 20 + VAT, getting 50 free a
month is decent enough deal.

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