[Gllug] Linux Asterisk SIP IAX FXO FXS VOIP Video Training CBT anyone know if it's any good?

Ryan Cartwright ryan at crimperman.org
Tue Aug 22 08:50:41 UTC 2006


charles wrote:
> Has anyone seen this cbt on ebay?
> http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Linux-Asterisk-PBX-A-Quick-Easy-Video-Training-CBT_W0QQitemZ300018658717QQihZ020QQcategoryZ1107QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
> I want to know if it is any good?

We heard the first time you asked Charles. Lack of response does not
mean lack of awareness of your question. It more likely means that
nobody knows anything about them.

> Ben suggested I just read the documentation(ie, save myself some money):
> http://www.asteriskdocs.org/modules/tinycontent/index.php?id=11
>  what do you think?

We are aware that Ben gave you an answer - we received his mail on the
list. If anyone has any further comments to Ben's post I would expect
them to post them. There is no need for you to post Ben's response again.

As to your initial question - I have no experience of Asterisk but Ben
has recommended the (free) official documentation and if I were you I
try looking at that first - especially over paid for training videos
that nobody else seems to have an opinion on.

Ryan Cartwright
Gllug mailing list  -  Gllug at gllug.org.uk

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