[Gllug] Is this a silly idea - VOIP telephony with Asterisk?

Matthew Thompson matt.thompson at actuality.co.uk
Sat Feb 11 17:29:42 UTC 2006

On 11 Feb 2006, at 16:27, John Winters wrote:

> Currently I have numbers registered with Gradwell and one other (the
> name escapes me for the moment).  I'm probably going to register  
> further
> numbers with Gradwell.
>> Is this a SIP based service?
> Yes.

I think that the Gradwell service also allows you to have things  
delivered as IAX - if you're using Asterisk this would be much easier.

I'd look at building Astrerisk from scratch if the Debian packages  
are only at 1.0.7 - things have come on a fair way since then.

M at t :O)
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