[Gllug] [OT] Perl/PHP Hosting

Richard richard_c at tpg.com.au
Fri Feb 10 15:51:32 UTC 2006

If it's Perl you can fiddle the includes path to "include" wherever 
you've put your module. If it weren't the Friday of bizarre questions 
and long lunches then I could hazard a guess at exactly how to achieve 
this, and what the caveats were...

Bring on the weekend :-D


Dani Pardo wrote:

>    Sorry about the offtopic, but it's something I'm curious about.
>   Imagine I make a wep app wich I want to install in a hosting site (I 
> personally use bluehost). The app is made in 
> perl/python/mod_perl/php/whatever. Imagine it's Perl. And that app 
> uses several perl modules that aren't installed on the hosting site 
> (i.e. Class::DBI, Template Toolkit or something).
>    What do you do in that case? Do I have to buy a different kind of 
> hosting?

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