[Gllug] DD Ext3 Move (was ping)

John Hearns john.hearns at streamline-computing.com
Tue Feb 7 21:36:54 UTC 2006

On Tue, 2006-02-07 at 20:07 +0000, Ken Smith wrote:

> boot knoppix
> dd if=/dev/hda5 of=/path-to-some-share-via-network bs=4096 
> conv=notrunc,noerror
Use rsync to move data between disks like that - ie. mount /dev/hda5
first and rsync -avx to the /path-to-some-share

In the case above, you are mixing the raw partition and an NFS network
share. This gives me the fear.
The only way this would conceivably work is if you were using the
Network block device, ie. you were addressing the remote drive over the
network as if it was a block device   www.drbd.org
And then only if the disk geometries match.
I would only use dd to move between partitions if the disk geometry is
identical. But I'm a doddery old fool.

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